Janka Bakičová - profilová fotografia umelkyne

Jana Bakičová

…I help people create creatively, discover the world of colors and understand how through them we can influence our emotions and thus improve our health and everyday life…

The big turning point in my life doesn’t start until I’m fifty. I discover my artistic inclinations and get to know the first art techniques.

For me, this period is a period of getting to know not only the art world, but above all myself.

In 2013, hot wax painting appealed to me. It is an old technique and it is also known in the world under the name Encaustic. I went through courses at all levels and felt that it was good to pass this knowledge on.

After passing the certification, I started teaching this artistic technique of hot wax painting to mostly women.

I run courses in Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. By applying my knowledge of IT technologies, I transferred the encaustic courses to the online world. From the comfort of their own home, course participants can take online courses at a time that suits them.

I have been using the Paverpol technique since 2017 and use it to create sculptures and beautifully decorated wooden jewelry boxes.

In 2018, for the first time I see the phrase “fractal drawing” on social networks. That connection already made me want to uncover the secret of this drawing and feel it for myself. I have taken several courses and I have seen the changes that drawing a fractal drawing brings to me.

A fractal drawing is a drawing that is drawn with the eyes closed. It is a strongly energetic drawing that permeates your thoughts and your entire body. I teach fractal drawing courses mainly in eastern Slovakia. I also processed this fractal drawing into online courses. I have clients in the Czech Republic, but also in England and America.

My first exhibition was held in Kráľovský Chlmec in 2014. I have exhibited in Pribeník, in Michalovce, in Vranov nad Topľou, in Humenno, in Sabinov, in Košice, in the Hámorsky Museum in Zemplínské Hámry.

I also participate in art competitions Výtvarné spektrum, where my works advanced to the regional round and were exhibited in K13 and in the Východoslovak Gallery in Košice. My participation was also at the Biennale 2022 held in the Caraf Gallery in Prešov and in the Kaštiel in Snin.

The main art work is encaustic, but gradually I also introduce acrylic, watercolor or various combined techniques into the work.

I am glad that even at my age I was able to open myself to new opportunities and challenges. Drawing is joy and creativity for me. It is also work on oneself and passing on acquired knowledge and experience to other people interested in these techniques.