Landscape at Sunset


  • oil on canvas on board
  • framed in a de lux solid gold frame with a dark mounting
  • dimensions including frame: 66 x 77 cm
  • attached certificate of authenticity created by the artist
Category: Tag:

Additional information

Dimensions 40 × 50 cm

The painting captures a summer landscape at the moment when the day slowly gives way to night. The artist masterfully captures the atmosphere of the fading day. In the distance, a cool sky stretches out, gently warmed by the warm tones, hinting at the setting sun. In the foreground, a peaceful scene with a haystack symbolizes the simple beauty of the countryside. This painting draws you into a magical moment when nature settles for rest, allowing you to feel the peaceful harmony between the cool of the evening and the warmth of the past day.

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Landscape at Sunset
Bojan Stričević
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Landscape at Sunset
Bojan Stričević
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